Growing up

About a month ago, Stella had her last day at Grani K’s…

stella and kathy

stella and alex

…and started pre-school. Here she is (with Alex) on the second day of school (because, like an idiot, I forgot to bring the camera on the first day of school. Yes, I know, I was let off with a warning…this time.)

alex and stella

alex and stella

alex and stella

Even though I knew this was a milestone in her life, I was unprepared for how emotionally blindsided I was. As I watched her from halfway across the room – demurely standing there, obediently nodding at the teacher, little backpack secured around her shoulders, I was overcome with a wave of emotion so intense that I had to pinch myself to keep from completely succumbing to the lump lodged squarely in the back of my throat. As I leaned down to give her a kiss and told her to have a good day, she shot back a simple, “Okay, Mommy,” and tromped off with Alex to find her new cubby.

I guess I had better get used to this.

3 thoughts on “Growing up

  1. It’s times like these that you really feel the true feeling of being a ” Mother”…and there’s alot more of those to come. Also, did Stella pick out her outfit for the second day of school? A little bit of “hippie” going on there.

  2. Happy Days to Miss Alex and Stella Bella,,,,I miss you, I even got a little lump looking at your pictures….

  3. I still remember my Grani K…………..her name was Gramma Clara and I think of her fondly everytime I’m visiting my folks and pass by her pink house in my old neighborhood. Way to go Stella and Alex, welcome to the world of school!!

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