The Girl’s on Fire!

Man, Stella was in the zone today! Something was just different. I don’t know if it was because Steve mailed off his last CLAD packet today, or because he found out that he will not ultimately be held accountable for the long-term production and development of his campus website (a good thing), or that Stella, Porter and I successfully completed our first dry-run of a new afternoon routine, but damn it if our household didn’t stand witness to about 37 fewer melt-downs and some hilarity in the process. It is good to see that deep, deep, deeeeeep down, Stella hasn’t lost her mojo.

So, I am sitting there while she chillin’ in the bathtub, chatting it up with her – glass of wine in my hand (don’t judge me!) and she looks up and says, “Mommy, can I have some of your wine?” “Nah,” I reply, “Kids don’t drink wine.” To which, she replies, “But I loooooove coffee!” [saying the word love with extra operatic flair – arms outstretched and lots of vibrato] And for those of you wondering, no, we don’t feed her coffee. Duh, it would be like giving a pyromaniac a book of matches. Then, after the whole wine – no, coffee debate, she proceeds to make herself into the human triangle, (bathtub forming the hypotenuse), and with her behind straight up in the air, proceeds to start singing the look-at-my-huge-booty song. Dwuh? I swear, I’m not making this stuff up.

This entry was posted in Stella.