The Ladies of Grani K’s

Among other things, one of the aspects I have always appreciated about Stella’s day care is the size. At any given time, there have only been about 5 or 6 of them, giving Stella the opportunity to gain some social independence, but not get lost in a crowd (not as if she ever could). Stella started there when she was 8 months old, and at the time she was the youngest, and one of only two girls. Oh how times have changed. Now, Stella makes up one half of the pink mafia that rules the group. Together with her partner in crime, Alex, she spends the better part of her day extorting lunch money and ordering around her minions. In Alex, Stella has found a fast friend and an arch rival. The word sibling often comes up when trying to describe the complicated nuances of their relationship.

stella and alex

Rounding out the female contingent is Aurora. To accurately capture the true essence of Aurora would take an entire blog post unto itself. Let me put it this way: she captured my heart the day I showed up and saw her wearing a black Led Zepplin t-shirt. Nothing speaks to you quite like a toddler wearing a Zepplin shirt. A GIRL toddler wearing a Zepplin shirt. That, and she’s a growler. In her future, I see her being voted most likely to show up to her prom on a Harley. So, you can imagine my supreme pleasure in showing up today to find her wearing this t-shirt:


Yes, it says Who’s Your Daddy?

One thought on “The Ladies of Grani K’s

  1. I love this post. It is hard to tell from the picture that Alex is the elder of the two. You captured the essence of their relationship. You never know if they are going to be hugging each other, or knocking each other down.

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