Nine and a half pounds of sweet, cute, adorably kissable boy

After about 6 hours, and what seemed a horse dosage of pitocin, my body gave in and finally allowed me to begin the kind of labor that would produce an actual baby. It seemed an eternity, but just 4 short hours later (at 6:30 pm) we welcomed a 9 pound, 8 ounce baby boy to our family. We are excited, overwhelmed, sleep deprived and utterly beside ourselves with joy.

To everyone who has waited so patiently (and yes, even to those of you who haven’t), Stella, Steve and I are proud to introduce to you the newest addition to our family:

Porter Stephen Walston
April 17, 2006
9 lbs 8 oz
22 inches long

Welcome Porter

This entry was posted in Porter.

9 thoughts on “Nine and a half pounds of sweet, cute, adorably kissable boy

  1. Thanks for sharing!!! He doesn’t look squished at all. The first thing that Stella said to Alex this morning was I am a big sister, which Alex promptly said I am a big sister too. Maybe she is living vicariously through Stella. Wishing you as much sleep as you can possibly get. Looking forward to the wacky adventures of the newly reconstituted Walstons.

  2. My reactions just went like this: Awww, how adorable. I’m getting teary.

    Nice purple bra, Natalie.

    How the heck was he inside her?!?

  3. He is beautiful!! (Yes, a baby boy is beautiful until his 1st birthday, when he turns ruggedly handsome !) I am so happy for all of the wonderful Walston Four!

  4. what a beautiful little guy! so glad that everyone is doing great! can’t wait to see you all soon!

  5. So sweet and angelic-I want to just cuddle w/ him. Nat & Steve, welcome to parenting 202 and Stella to the world of having to share the spotlight (don’t worry, good things come with siblings too).

  6. I heard Parents Magazine is awarding Natalie and Steve their Oscar for producing the most beautiful babies in the world. (Don’t tell Sharan Benson.) Grandpa and I agree with their choice!!

  7. You did a great job, Natalie, little Porter is just a handsome guy, good to see Stella back, the first words in the house “I’m a big sister” !!!! Hope every one can catch up on sleep, take care see you soon….

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