New Chapter

Today officially marks my 42nd week of pregnancy, and the time has finally come to put everyone out of their misery and find out if this child is a boy or a girl. I will be induced first thing tomorrow morning, and with any luck, we will have added a new addition to our family by day’s end. Everyone will be notified once the magical event occurs. I promise.

I would have liked to say that the last two weeks have been relaxing and quiet – preparing us for the impending chaos that a newborn will bring – but, life just doesn’t work that way. Instead, it continues to go on at it’s regular pace – especially with a 2-year-old. Additionally, the waiting game that my pregnancies have bestowed require a special effort of patience and understanding – something that everyone handles a little differently.

So, as this chapter closes and a new one begins, I look forward to starting a life as a mother of two, and can only imagine the lessons, love, frustration and joy that will come from this new adventure.