Week 37: Status Report

Official technical obstetric evaluation:
Pregnancy is now considered full term.

Officially reached the point where NO ONE questions whether or not I am pregnant.

Have now officially lost all ability to curb sugar intake – if it is within a 50 foot radius I will sniff it out and consume it; find myself needing snacks between snacks.

Weight gain:
No longer being reported to the general public.

If it would stop [explative deleted] raining, maybe I could actually go outside and take a [explative deleted] walk.

Patience and General Temperment:
Finding my ability to put up with crap at work decreasing at an exponential rate; patience with “inquisitive and energetic daughter” spotty and inconsistent; increasingly finding the need to surpress the urge to burst into tears.

Things that still fit comfortably: Wedding ring, earrings and hair clips;
Things that no longer fit with any amount of comfort: pretty much everything but my wedding ring, earrings and hair clips.

Biggest challenges faced each day:
Putting on sox and shoes, repressing the urge to want to nap all day, forcing myself not to go to bed before 8:00pm every night, trying hard not to act like a woman who is 37 weeks pregnant.

Getting to hold my new baby, kiss it on the forehead and let them know that they were worth every last moment of it.

One thought on “Week 37: Status Report

  1. You know MasterCard is having a “priceless” commercial contest, and I am pretty sure this could win. Anyway, we can’t wait for the new little Walston either. Love to all.

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