Road Trippin’

Well, Thad and Steve managed to survive an entire weekend with the Ladies Anderson (of whom, Stella has been made an honorary member). Just the fact that it wasn’t raining was enough to make me giddy with such joy and happiness that constant trips to the bathroom, roundhouse kicks to my internal organs and being on the wagon seemed like trivial annoyances. Combine good weather with ample shopping, a Whole Foods within spitting distance and round-the-clock toddler-sitters and you have the formula for virtual nirvana. To sit and read a trashy novel for the better part of an afternoon was, frighteningly enough, one of the highlights of my trip. Amazing how one’s priorities change when things as simple as going to the bathroom without a 2-year-old companion becomes a luxury.

Speaking of going to the bathroom, I was beside myself with pure, inexplicable joy that our pretty-much-completely-potty-trained daughter made the entire car trip without a single accident. And I can only blame myself for not catching on film her first experience with gas-station/fast-food restaurant bathroom usage. She handled it like a pro – as though in her former life she was a long-haul trucker. Simply amazing.

All I can think of when I look at these photos is that Blackhawk Country Club has no idea WHAT they are getting themselves into letting our family in there for an event that involves celebratory activities and alcohol. If no one falls into one of the lakes or finds themselves buried in a sand-trap I think we will be able to call the event a success.