Harsh Realities

Today, on our way home from day care, Stella and I were marveling at the fleeting sunshine we were being blessed with. The skies have been vomiting rain for about a month straight now and we have all about had our fill.

Stella has been particularly aware of the distinction between, as she puts it: sunnyandhot (all one word) or waaaaaiiiiin. Of particular interest to her is what she can do when it is sunnyandhot versus when we have waaaaiiin. Today, for instance, as we stepped out into the sunlight, she alerted me that it was sunnyandhot and that she can put on her bathing suit and play in the backyard. To which, I had to delicately explain that it isn’t that kind of sunnyandhot yet. And in trying to keep the conversation moving so as to not allow her too much time to realize the ultimate unfairness of it all, I proceeded to explain that we need to buy her a new bathing suit anyway because her other one is too small.


About two stoplights later the questions begin:

Why is my bathing suit too small?”
“Well, because you are getting bigger.”
“Why am I getting bigger?”
“Because that is just what happens. When you get older and older you also get bigger and bigger.”
“It’s just what happens.”
“But why, mommy?”

It is at this point that I realize I am out-matched in this conversation. I think advanced interrogation specialist trainings must be conducted by by 2-year-olds. I am picturing myself in an empty room with a bare lightbulb being shined in my face.

“Well, you get bigger and bigger all the time. One day you will be big like mommy.”
“My no want to get bigger.”

I did my best not to take this comment personally.

“None of us do, Stella.”

One thought on “Harsh Realities

  1. Congratulations, you have entered the WHY zone. Enjoy it you will be there awhile. Just wait until she starts “Are we there yet?”

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