
Last night, Steve had an epiphone: “It is so wierd to think that Stella is actually done with diapers. I mean, there was no ceremonial ‘last time’ or any realization that we were coming to the end of an era that has ruled our lives for the last two years. I can’t believe it went so fast.”

To which, I can only respond that everything has been this way. The last time she crawled (out of pure necessity), the last time she ate baby food, the last time she recreationally licked the refrigerator. All of these things end so quickly and – for the most part – without fanfare. Sure, we break out the pinatas when it comes to all of her “firsts”, but it is all of those “lasts” that we never really seem to recognize.

As a big punctuation mark on this whole thing, today I was sent home with the few remaining diapers left at day care. It is officially over…

…at least for the next 2 and a half months.