Happy 2nd Birthday, Stella!

Hi Stelly-Belle,

Today you are two…going on 15. It was just last month your dad reminded me that a year ago you weren’t even walking yet. It is nearly impossible to remember a time when you didn’t bolt from us every time we try to get you dressed, or that you were ever incapable of telling us EXACTLY how you were feeling. They were right – it really does go fast.

cutie stella

If we have discovered anything over the last two years it is that you learn and change at lightning pace, and that we had better take it all in while we can or we will miss it. We have had to learn to embrace this pace, as it is what keeps us sane. Less than desireable stages pass just as quickly as the ones we would like to hang onto forever. Some things have remained though, and we are ever thankful of your ability to be supremely adaptable, social and fun. You can be curious to a fault and, aside from the vacuum cleaner, you seem to fear nothing.

It is so easy to get caught up in the moment when it comes to dealing with our day-to-day lives. I find myself always having to step back and reorient to the fact that all your pushing and prodding is what you are SUPPOSED to be doing, and that it is up to me to direct it, not strong-arm you into submission. Unfortunately, this realization was not founded on my maternal wisdom, but on the fact that after losing the umpteenth battle of wills with you, realizing I needed a better strategy. See Stella? I’m growing up too.

pondering the tree

Your dad and I, although always amazed in your growth and abilities, have tried hard to continually praise you on your efforts rather than your accomplishments. I know this sounds wierd and new-agey, but it means something to us that you are not just blindly showered with praise for every detail of your existence (that is what your grandparents are for). We love you more than we ever could have imagined was even possible, and want you to know that we will be there for you to the ends of the earth. We also want you to know that your ability to be strong & independent, kind & compassionate, and wholly self-assured are things we strive to instill in you each and every day.

I know I spend the better part of my time waxing poetic on this site about the insane and frustrating things you do, but in reality you are one of the best things I have ever done in my life. My ranting has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. You see, I am new at this mom thing and, well, it isn’t as easy as it looks. Writing all this stuff down really helps me gain perspective, and allows me to glimpse how funny and tedious it all really is in the big picture…and how great a kid you really are. This next year is going to be a big one for all of us, and I know that you are going to make the best big sister ever.

Happy Birthday, Stelly.

stella smiling

One thought on “Happy 2nd Birthday, Stella!

  1. Natalie, you just bring a tear to my eyes. I love to read what you write, and the pictures you post are so precious. Yes little Stella Bella is 2, I am so blessed to have been a part of these last 16 months. Stell you are one lucky girl.

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