When standing in line for a beer in a plastic cup begins to lose its appeal.

In early June, we were lucky enough to have a visit from our good friend Shannon. We attempted an outing to the Oyster Festival, but quickly decided that waiting in line 45 minutes at one of the 3 remaining booths that was actually still open, was not our idea of a good time. We decided that, having been to our fair share of Oyster Festivals together, next year I would call her to let her know when it would be, and would then promptly make reservations for us at Hurricane Kate’s – a place to enjoy oysters, complete with comfortable seating, a full bar and no one in dread locks hitting you up for beer money.

So, we promptly packed back up in the car and headed for home, wherein we made a delicious dinner complete with wine and dessert. And, lucky for you, we caught it all on film.

The only thing that would have made this afternoon more perfect would have been a giant bouncy house.

4 thoughts on “When standing in line for a beer in a plastic cup begins to lose its appeal.

  1. Funny thing about photos of all of you: my body parts become uncoordinated…. my toes tap, my heart aches, my mouth smiles and my eyes get misty. I checked the Merck Medical Manual index and sure enough there was my condition neatly listed between “grand mal seizures” and “granulomatosis”. I have a REALLY bad case of grandparentitis!

  2. Judy, your words are so totally accurate and perfectly described. I’m right there with you, Gramma!

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