10 things you will hear spoken and/or hollared in the Walston household at least once every single day.

    On backyard cuisine…

  1. “NOOOOO, NOT IN YOUR MOUTH!! When are you going to STOP putting things in your mouth?”
  2. On attention getting…

  3. “Daaaaaddeeeeeeee!”
  4. On ritualizing…

  5. “Shuga-Boo-White-Ba-Ba-Wata”
  6. On schedule keeping…

  7. “Natalie, it is 6:15, you need to get out of bed NOW”
  8. On hard-nosed parenting…

  9. “Ok, but this is the LAST episode of High Five for today.”
  10. On consumer behavior…

  11. “We don’t need to buy it, I’ll just make it”
  12. On emotional response…

  13. “NoWAY NoWAY NoWAY”
  14. On pet ownership…

  15. “NO! ROSIE! OFF!”
  16. On manners…

  17. “My toan mama, Teppa toan!”
  18. On communication…

  19. “I am SO going to blog about this.”

4 thoughts on “10 things you will hear spoken and/or hollared in the Walston household at least once every single day.

  1. Attention readers of Walscapades: this site may not be authentic. Granted, the photos seem legitimate (where else in the world could someone find a child so adorable?), BUT how could it reflect life at the Walstons’ without mention of the Tour de France? Think about it. Cela n’a aucun sens! Qu’est-ce que ca signifie?

  2. Um, why do you think the predominant color-scheme for this site is yellow? Don’t worry Lancie-poo, we checked in on you everyday and discussed -at length – the sportsmanship you exhibited in allowing your fellow riders to enjoy the glory of winning the individual stages, while you patiently pedaled your way onto NUMBER SEVEN, BABY! We love you and what you have done in teaching – through example – how to Live Strong.

  3. It’s funny how the simple daily interactions of family life can be so entertaining. Also, Hershey, be good to a fond friend!

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