For the Glory!

Number of:

–times Stella was told not to lick the Swiffer: 4

–bottles Stella has had outside of sleep time: 0

–times Stella has melted down into a crying frenzy chanting “ba-ba” since ‘Operation 4B’ has commenced: 1

–cookies that were not either overcooked or undercooked while testing out our new convection oven: 0

— hours spent reading camera manual for the first time since we bought it 8 months ago: 2

–dollars saved by not impulsively going out to buy a new camera with features that we thought our current camera did not have : $1000

–outings to see the fun and frivolity of the 37th Annual World Championship Kinetic Sculpture Race: 2….so far

–remaining fun and sun activities of Memorial Day 2005: infinite