“The Musical Baton”

Well, you caught me Andrea. You somehow figured out [through covert missions, no doubt] that I did indeed take baton lessons as a child (gotta love the 70’s) — and that is no doubt, your motive behind including me in your memetic spray.

Let me do some of my patented twirling exercises….1….2…3. Okay, here goes.

Total volume of music files on my computer: 197MB. Yikes! Only about 50 songs. I guess deep down I’m still just a pop-’em-in-the-changer-and-throw-it-on-shuffle kind of girl. A musical luddite, some might say.

The last CD I bought was: Hmm, that’s a tough one. It’s a toss up between the Garden State soundtrack (downloaded on iTunes), and the Waifs 2-cd set (purchased old-school at the bitchin’ record store).

Song playing right now: Okay, so this is where it gets really sad. None. Nap time = no music. How about instead I answer which song I would like to be playing right now: I kind of have a hankerin’ for a little bit of Ben Folds’ Rockin’ the Suburbs.

5 songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me: In no particular order, Come Rain or Come Shine by Billie Holiday, Isn’t she lovely by Stevie Wonder, Perhaps by Cake, Million Miles Away by the Pilmsouls, Candy by Iggy Pop and Kate Pierson. Mostly, these songs have some nostalgic pull…some sentimental component of my life, wrapped up neatly in a song.

And I thought my lessons would not come in handy later in life…