Our little bohemian.

Construction is clipping right along. Bathroom tile is going up as I sit here and write. Kitchen is in a holding pattern waiting for taping and skimming — to be done early next week. About the time the walls are done the cabinets should be rolling into town (a huge shout out to Scott). If all goes well — we are hoping to wrap things up somewhere around the 3rd week of April. Hopefully we will be a little better at sticking to a timeline than we have been at sticking to our budget!

As for the other reason you all read this thing — our darling Miss Stella has mastered the art of removing her clothes in record time. Among the many, many stories of ‘clothing emancipation’: I was tending to a late night waking recently, and as I stood there waiting to see if she was settling in, I hear zzzzziiiiiiiiip as she adeptly maneuvers her upper body out of her pj’s. It won’t be long before we start securing her clothes with duct tape. At least until the weather warms up.

Oh, and we recently decided that in lieu of completing and returning the customer satisfaction survey sent to us by the flooring company, we have asked the floor guy that did our original estimate to come out to take a look at some of the areas that we have never really felt great about. It should be interesting to see what he has to say.

Doctor’s appointment this evening. Will post soon with baby stats.