Chubb’s Corner

Greetings from Chubb’s Corner, featuring facts and feelings from a feline perspective. Of first importance: we’re sad to have lost two cats in the last week. B.G. has disappeared from her post on the gate and hasn’t been seen for days. (Someone shield Steve from this fact.) Dear little Sissy was killed on the patio by some kind of beast two nights ago! Everyone else is hunkering around trying to keep dry with one eye open in case the invader returns. Chubb’s has, in fact, moved onto the back porch with Uno. What a guy!

AARP Update: Wow, there is life after retirement! In addition to working a whopping big 12 hours last week, we fit in Shall We Dance? on Monday, dinner with Vadie on Tuesday, shopping on Wednesday, breakfast with Wahab on Friday, a pie social Saturday afternoon, then dinner with the Wehmuellers, the symphony and Bob’s 80th birthday party Sunday in Turlock. I offer this not to gloat to the independent businessmen/women, full time students, working mothers and teachers…… but just a ray of hope that you too can do this when you’re a senior citizen.

Babymobile Update: Dad has played with every system, appliance and moving part out there and seems to have it all under control. We’ve scrubbed it and added new shelf paper so it is in better shape than the house. It is a 1997 Terry and was well kept. At 19′ it is not large; in fact I am not certain both of us can fit in the bed at the same time. I bought a coffee pot and toaster only, because this is meant to be a bedroom only. In other words, I don’t want to live in it, just sleep in it. The cats like it a lot and perch on every cranny they can find. We’re thinking we might try a night at the coast before we tackle Fortuna-Eurkea-Arcata. One of us is very excited about it!