High on Too Much Sleep

You are reading the words of someone who slept 8, full, uninterrupted hours last night. It was magic people, pure magic.

Nothing snaps you to alterness from a dead sleep more quickly than the realization that the alarm clock is going off and you have been comatose since going to bed. Much the same way that it happened with the first time Stella slept through the night, I found myself simultaneously asking Steve if he had gotten up while also lunging for the bassinet to see if Porter was still breathing. It is the strangest emotional cocktail of joy and fear that you can imagine.

2 thoughts on “High on Too Much Sleep

  1. Congratulations, and can I say I am a wee bit jealous (ok, more than a wee bit)
    I remember this first time I got five hours in a row, I was incredibly productive.

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